Zoo Day
We went to the zoo this a.m. and spent a couple of hours. After I took the photo of the paper wasp I figured that was the best shot I’d get and I should just go home. It’s definitely my favorite.

How cool does this little paper wasp look with the pink grass? I felt really lucky to see him. He is hanging out on Pink Muhly Grass.

Great look at the gorilla who sat up against the glass. They are so much more massive than the photos show.

I must have 100 photos of flamingos. Can’t pass by without taking another.

Spider monkey. He was eating breakfast. He only liked the MIDDLE of the hard boiled eggs and ignored the rest. I imagine by this afternoon he will decide maybe the white parts aren’t so bad.

These were fish in the tiger enclosure. I think they are bluegill.

I got THIS close to the tiger. Terrible photo. Love the exhibit. It’s very large and has “tubes” for them to walk over and around you. Plus, glass so you don’t become a tiger snack.

Flowers. Duh. No idea what kind they are.

I also can’t pass up a cool lily pad photo opportunity. These are 2-3 feet across, but I’ve seen them much larger at the Bok Tower and Gardens. Those were probably 4 feet across.