
Portuguese-“Meh”-of-War. 11.5″ x 21″. Clay. Wood mount. Meh. While Kevin was finishing up his cool painting today, I was trying to finish up this piece. I started it well over a month ago after my friend Chris​ posted a jellyfish photo from the beach. I got all these fantastic ideas about transparent clay and jillions…

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Things I Do to Get Rid of My Migraines

People have a lot of headaches and migraines now. I wonder if people had them 200 years ago as badly as they do now. But, I guess that is a different discussion. We end up swapping stories and remedies like favorite recipes. In any case, I thought I’d write a list of the things that…

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Blue Green Bracelet

TITLE: Blue Green Bracelet SIZE: 2.75″ across; Inside circumference: approximately 7″ MEDIUM: Polymer clay TECHNIQUE: Magnetic clasp; Mica Shift After my last “heavy thinking” piece I wanted to work on something that was more frivolous and fun. I chose some colors I loved and started working! I started with a mica-shift technique on the green…

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Sweet Offerings

TITLE: Sweet Offerings SIZE: 13″ tall x 7″ wide. Base is 1.5″ thick. Overall thickness: 6″ MEDIUM: Polymer clay, wood, gold foil Sugar is the god we worship without realizing it. This is a very personal piece for me. I wrote more below all the images. The lighter side of this art is that I…

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Flowers, Lizards, and the Neighbor’s Cat

This morning we walked to the local coffee shop for our weekly cup of joe. There were some really pretty flowers out as well as our neighbor’s cat, Prudence. Here is Prudence. She is one of those expensive Munchkin cats with the little short legs. She reminds me of Godiva. She is small and sweet…

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TITLE: Entwined SIZE: 13″ tall x 3.5″ wide. Base is 1.5″ thick MEDIUM: Polymer clay, glass, copper, wooden base I needed a better title and picked “Entwined“. Everything I picked sounded too serious. I loved the idea of doing something in all silver that was organic. Then it needed something to offset it, so I decided…

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Workshop Beetle

TITLE: Workshop Beetle SIZE: 7″ x 5.25″ MEDIUM: Polymer clay, found objects, Wood base MUSIC: Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars Because of miscellaneous, benign life events, I have been on an art hiatus kicking and screaming. I finally started this little guy a few weeks ago and was happy. Then I spent a little too…

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